Picking up where we last left off, I feel it's only appropriate to cover the next phase of my Freddy Fandom and dive headfirst into some of the crazy stuff that was going on and being marketed to impressionable young minds like mine! At that particular point in time between 1987-1991 or so, Freddy was pretty much king as far as I was concerned and his popularity world-wide was definitely at its peak.
In the tri-state area of New Jersey/Pennsylvania/New York, we had a chain of department stores called Clover. Now, I have many, many fond memories of going to several Clover stores as a kid, but none of them were as cool as the one outside of Easton, PA at the Palmer Park Mall. For me, that store was the first and best one and, whether it was with my parents or, especially, my grandmother, I always seemed to get a cool toy whenever we were there . . . I'll never forget the day we walked into the store and saw this gem . . .
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The perfect Christmas gift for EVERY kid! |
By now, I'm sure you're familiar with the legend of this doll; Matchbox, a toy company known primarily for toy cars that competed with Hot Wheels, for some strange reason decided to do a string of Freddy merchandise. Naturally, marketing the bastard son of a hundred maniacs to kids (least of all, Freddy was a child murderer!) was bound to raise a few eyebrows and piss off some parents. So, almost as soon as these dolls hit toy shelves, they were pulled due to mounting pressure from parental groups. But, I got one . . . actually, I had two!
For whatever reason, the first one I got didn't quite work as it was supposed to. The doll has the old pull-string mechanism on its back to make it talk and, no doubt due to too many tugs of the string, the mechanism ultimately wore out. This resulted in a chipmunk-voiced talking Freddy which, given the phases he says, was somewhat hilarious, but ultimately frustrating for a 7yr old! Being that my Mom is the coolest mom on the planet, she took me to various other Clover department stores in search of a replacement (exchange) and we ended up in one outside of Allentown, PA. This is the doll I still have to this day!
Although he's got his chimpmunk voice from years of abuse, he's still a badass. |
...how I've managed to hold on to this thing for all these years (with his hat!) and not have defaced him or destroyed him in any way aside from my minor dings and scrapes, is beyond me. In tribute to the Freddy puppet in Nightmare 3, this doll hung on my bunk bed, with this little hollow plastic feet banging along the metal frame. This doll was, of course, reissued and sold at Spencer's Gifts in 1994; though it was the same style of doll and same plastic molds for the head, hands, and feet, the talking mechanism was replaced with a push-button in his chest. The paint scheme, sweater pattern, hat, and phrases were done differently as well. Just found the one I'd had in its original box and gave it to my nieces (who were absolutely thrilled) since we have the original and my wife has one of the reissues.
Cool sidenote on the subject of Matchbox talking dolls...anyone remember the Pee-Wee Herman and Ernest talking dolls? Both had similar builds to Freddy (ie: hollow plastic heads, hands, feet and they also feature the pull-string mechanism). Along with the talking Freddy, I also had the Pee-Wee Herman doll; I vividly remember having him wear Freddy's hat and pretending that he was Indiana Jones!
Another cool bit of Matchbox merch that I actually stumbled upon at a flea market is the Maxx FX Freddy action figure.
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Brilliant concept and killer box art here! |
However, shortly after I first moved to Chicago in 2008, I was checking out the local comic shop which always had a stockpile of great toys and action figures I'd grown up with. One day, while visiting on my way home from work, I spotted the Maxx FX Freddy figure, mint in the box! I couldn't believe it and figured it would be commanding the same insane prices I'd seen at Horror conventions over the years . . . no way, it was actually under $10!! You bet your ass it came home with me that very day!
Just pretend that Robert Englund is actually in the make-up and that his hat actually fits. |
Up next in the toy department, enter LJN Toys. Now, if you grew up in the 80s and early 90s, you may remember LJN for creating some of the worst (best?) and most frustrating Nintendo games for titles like Friday the 13th, Jaws, The Karate Kid, Back to the Future, and of course A Nightmare on Elm Street among many others. LJN also produced toy lines for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Gremlins, and their most famous lines Thundercats and WWF Wrestling Superstars (you know you cracked a few of your friends over the head with one of those hard, rubber Hulk Hogans).
In 1989, LJN took full advantage of their Freddy license, releasing a Freddy Squishem (similar to a stress reliever), a Freddy Fright Squirter (nothing more than a giant Freddy head that spit water), and a "Monster Squirt" squirt gun shaped like Freddy himself. Not from LJN, but a yo-yo company called Spectra Star, there was even a Freddy yo-yo, depicting our hero with his glove on his left hand...even as a kid, I was weary of stuff that didn't get it right! None of those toys sparked my interest though, as I went for their hard rubber statue-like doll . . .
Freddy says "how about that Ghost band, eh? |
Another cool LJN item that crossed into another Horror franchise was Spitballs. I remember finding these at a K-Mart when they came out; I instantly had to have both Freddy and Jason, though I'm not sure at this point if I'd been allowed to see any of the Friday the 13th movies. Each was sold separately on a blister card, packaged with a "victim" spitball.
Jason has seen better days in terms of paint (note the red I added to his axe wound). I've no idea where their victims went though. |
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Garfield and 'Baby On Board' window clingers be damned! |
Another cool piece that my parents saved for me is The Freddy Game, a 3D role-playing board game that I've had since its release in 1988 by Cardinal/Victory Games. Set in "Freddy's house", in an almost Clue style, players would work their way through a 3D setting (complete with pop-up walls resembling a maze) trying to survive . . . the only catch was that one of the players really was Freddy! To be honest, I don't think I ever actually played the game; instead, I just played around with the settings of the house, using it like a playset. Regardless of that, I'm glad to have it in our collection of vintage board games!
In the upper left corner, you can see I tried to sell this at a yard sale for $1.00! |
Something seems a little off about this guy... |
One last piece of merch I'd like to cover is a sticker book that was released by Comic Images in either late 1987 or early 1988. While I can't find an exact release year, it's definitely before Nightmare 4 in '88 as the book only covers the first three films. You'd buy the book and then have to buy individual sticker packs that were about the size of trading cards -- though I can't remember if they came with bubble gum or not. Surprisingly, the sticker book and stickers suddenly started popping up at Hot Topic stores back in 2005/2006 again!
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Kinda looks like those airbrushed t-shirts from the Jersey Shore, eh? |
The most intriguing thing about this book, for me at least, is the cool, original artwork on the cover. The book itself loosely covers the first three films in the series through a series of photos; I remember the photos on the spreads of each page being black and white and the stickers were in color. There may have even been captions either in the boxes where the stickers would be placed or on the wax backers for the stickers.
While I'm tempted to grab one of these books on eBay, I'm almost certain that my original book is still tucked away in a storage bin from my old bedroom. Although I'm not 100% positive, I think I had most of the stickers in my book, though it was probably nowhere near complete.
Of course, this article is in no way near a comprehensive piece on all ANOES merch (I could do an entire blog just focusing on the merchandising angle of the series!). In time, I might check out some of the more recent items that have come about -- it's worth noting McFarlane Toys' contribution with the original Movie Maniacs line, no? -- but I just wanted to focus solely on the stuff I grew up with.
Stay tuned for another edition of It's Just A Dream....
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